Health & Wellbeing Coaching
Hi, I’m John, a certified Health & Wellbeing Coach.
Through online coaching sessions I support people who want to make sustainable changes to their lifestyle to help them feel healthier, happier and more balanced.
Life can feel quite complicated at times and leave us feeling overwhelmed. Our health and wellbeing can suffer and we struggle to function.
Maybe you feel that you never have enough time to focus on your wellbeing. Or maybe you have been looking for simple and effective wellbeing strategies, but are confused by too much information.
I have a gentle and deeply compassionate approach to coaching and fully recognise the courage it takes when you realise you need to make a change in your lifestyle, but are uncertain about how to make it happen.
Together we can discover practical solutions to the everyday challenges you face. If you are ready to take action to restore your wellbeing I can support you. Please get in touch today to get started.
How can a Health & Wellbeing Coach help you?
As a Health & Wellbeing Coach I empower you to take charge of your wellbeing journey. I respect you as the authority in your own life and believe that you are the key to your own solutions.
Working collaboratively we will explore practical and sustainable ways to make improvements in all aspects of your health and wellbeing: physical, emotional and mental.
By avoiding prescriptive answers and working alongside you, I can help you to unlock new possibilities, tap into untapped potential and take care of yourself in ways you may not have previously imagined.
Where I have knowledge and experiences that are relevant to your unique situation I will share useful information, ideas, techniques and strategies.
This approach has been shown to result in positive and lasting change. In other words, by working with a Health & Wellbeing Coach you are more likely to reach your goals.
Sleep is the foundation of health and wellbeing.
Developing a good routine before bed, with good sleep hygiene is really important.
How many hours of sleep do you get each night?
How do you relax? How do you know when you are not relaxed?
Do you recognise your own stress patterns? How does stress manifest in you?
What is your relationship with food?
Are you baffled by competing information on what to eat?
Do you understand the basics of what your body requires to function well?
I can support you in making changes to your diet, offering general information on balanced nutrition.
Whatever your age, there's strong scientific evidence that being physically active can help you lead a healthier and happier life. (Source: NHS).
How do you feel when thinking about being active?
Can you imagine how you would feel if you felt fitter and stronger?
The personal space you live in has an impact on your wellbeing.
How you organise yourself has an impact on your wellbeing.
Is your life full of clutter? What are you tolerating in your home? Would you like to find ways of living in a more simple way? Do you have helpful routines and strategies for managing your time?
How would your life feel with simple, effective strategies for managing your personal space and time?
Connecting with others and socialising can help us develop a sense of belonging.
A balance of in person and online connections is important. Screens can be very useful, but should not make up our entire connections with others.
Do you make time each week to connect in person with friends or family?
We all breathe, but we don't all breathe the same way.
Pause now and notice how you are breathing. Where are you breathing from? Are you taking slow deep breaths from your belly or shallow quick breaths from your upper chest?
Breathing well improves the function of our lungs, heart and brain. It can help induce relaxation, increase vitality and manage our emotional state.
Meditation is a time to be with yourself, to connect with your breath and be fully present. It is not an exercise in emptying your brain of thoughts, but rather practising noticing your thoughts without attaching yourself to them or judging yourself or the thought.
Flow states are when we feel fully absorbed in the activity. This might be a passion or hobby or even an everyday task.
Research shows that learning new skills can also improve your mental wellbeing by boosting self-confidence and helping you build a sense of purpose.
When was the last time you tried learning something new?
Do you feel that you are working towards a goal that can give you a sense of achievement, or accomplishment?
This need not be for goals such as fame or riches, but more inward focused, intrinsic goals. These are in reach of all of us. e.g. personal growth, connection with others.
Having meaning or purpose in life is different for everyone.
Meaning may be pursued through your work, volunteering, your family, a particular cause, faith or other pursuit.
Spending time reflecting on your values can help you to check if you are in alignment in your day to day life.
Spending time cultivating positive emotions and feelings such as joy, hope, optimism, gratitude can all counter negative emotions.
Even when life can feel very challenging, the smallest things can bring joy to us if we look carefully enough.
Small acts of kindness can simultaneously bring joy to the recipient and to the giver, you.
What makes up Health & Wellbeing?