Privacy & Data Protection Policy

This policy sets out how the General Data Protection Regulations (GDPR), my insurance policy and my professional body’s code of ethics affect the way I handle your personal information. Your privacy is of the utmost importance and you can expect your details to be protected.  

Information collected 

  • When you initially contact me (via telephone, email) you are consenting to me holding any information that you provide in this way, such as your name and contact details.  

  • I may use these contact details to send future communications for the purpose of following up on enquiries.  

  • Contact details are used for these purposes only and are never shared with any third parties.  

  • Additional information you provide may be used in your sessions where appropriate. 

Storing of information 

  • Information shared with me in the initial free conversation we have, or in subsequent conversations or sessions is noted in paper files and electronic files and is kept secure in a locked box and on a password protected laptop. 

  • In accordance with the requirements of my insurers and regulatory body, these records and contact details are retained for seven years. After this time, all information is destroyed.  

  • I keep an electronic database of anonymised data which includes (but is not limited to) age, gender, method of referral, type of presenting issue(s) coached, number and outcome of sessions. This data is used for practice management and to ensure coaching standards are maintained.  

Sharing of information 

  • I do not share personally identifiable information with any third party, except where required to do so to comply with any applicable law, to process transactions (e.g. payments), to enforce website policies, or protect my or others’ rights, property, or safety.  

  • I may share and discuss anonymised case histories in clinical supervision for the purpose of continued professional development, supervision or training. Such usage of case histories does not breach professional confidentiality as any personal details or information that could be used to identify you are not included.  

Your rights 

  • This policy was last revised September 2024 and it may be updated from time to time.  

  • If you have any query or concern regarding the processing of your personal data, please contact me. You can also contact the ICO directly.  

  • You have a right to complain to the ICO if you have any problem with the way I store or use your data, or if you do not think your rights are being respected.